Enjoy some famous paintings of Lazarus:

“sometimes the miracle you’d choose

is different from the one that’s done to you”


Worrying about endings can be worse than the endings themselves.

Not always, but sometimes.

I find Lazarus a fascinating figure.

How were those people not haunted by his presence once the miracle was done?

Like, in resurrection he’d been recalled from the mystery — but the mystery remained.

After writing this song I started wondering if Lazarus was the first literary instance of a… zombie.

That’s probably sacrilege, but hey, I was curious. In a sorta jokey way.

Anyways, he wasn’t. (Neither a zombie nor the first zombie).

Turns out tales of zombies go all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia.

In the Descent of Ishtar and the Epic of Gilgamesh, there’s a passage that goes something like this:

If you do not open the gate for me to come in,
I shall smash the door and shatter the bolt,
I shall smash the doorpost and overturn the doors,
I shall raise up the dead and they shall eat the living:
And the dead shall outnumber the living!


Peeps been worried about endings since the beginning, I guess.



WORDS for a Karaoke Party

the olive tree is casting this

shaky shadow on lazarus

the same familiar face

the same familiar clothes

oh what’s waiting for us after this

ask lazarus

go ask lazarus

you wake up one day and have to admit

it’s over between us now, it’s time to quit

the more you brace yourself

the more you’re broken, don’t you know

but what happens to us after this



sometimes the miracle you’d choose

is different from the one that’s done to you

but no writings by pliny or tacitus

ever adequately captured this

how every empire’s gotta line

beyond which you don’t go…

so what’s waiting for us after this



oh what happens to us after this

go ask lazarus

SONG Credits:

Written and performed by Chris Robley at Bite My Tongue in Lewiston, Maine

Mixed and mastered by Edwin Paroissien at Echohill in Portland, Oregon