Hey, I’m Chris. I’m gonna talk in the 3rd-person now, okay?


Chris Robley is the winner of Boulevard’s Poetry Prize for Emerging Writers and the recipient of a Maine Literary Award in Poetry. He was selected by former US Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky as a finalist for the Dorset Prize, and has served as a visiting editor for Beloit Poetry Journal.

Want a free book of my poems?



Some of the poems I’ve published over the years have been gathered into a limited-edition booklet designed, typeset, and printed by my friends Anna O’Sullivan and Doug Von.

You can download a PDF of this dope little collection for free.

Just enter your email below.

My poems have appeared in:

I’ve performed my poems at a number of reading series, including: Literary Death Match, Stone Boat, Local Buzz, The Maine Historical Society’s Summer Garden Series, the Belfast Poetry Festival, and more.